Blue Granite Georgia Guidestones

Once located in Elbert County Georgia, a mysterious, anonymously funded project stood tall known as the Georgia Guidestones, and few researchers have referred to the Guidestones as an American Stonehenge. The Elberton Granite Finishing company built this blue granite structure in 1980 per funding from a person going by the name of R.C. Christian. 

Georgia Guidestones cropped background

Theories link the pseudonym to Rosicrucianism along with parts of the text found inscribed on the stones. There also resides the possibility this monument was created for the sole purpose of a publicity stunt, as a way to promote Elberton's granite finishing company.

It's believed the content is a guideline for future conservation of mankind, but the basis has not yet been deciphered. In addition to ten guidelines inscribed in eight different languages, the stones themselves are orientated and aligned to mark the 18.6 year lunar declination cycle, as well as the Sun solstices and equinoxes. The cap-stone also manages to keep track of the current day of the year with a sun ray passing through and provides a direct peering hole at Polaris. Also, a key-guide tablet can be found a short distance from the guide-stones speaks of a time capsule buried below.

Recent update: In summer of 2022, the Guidestones were demolished for safety concerns after an explosion destabilized the roadside monument. It's believed this might have been politically motivated controversy over the contents etched into the stones.

Georgia Guidestones Images: 

Lower angled view of the Georgia GuidestonesGuidestones story and description tabletMid-westerly angled view of the guidestonesGuidestones north westerly angled view

Mid-westerly angled view of the guidestonesGuidestones west side view facing east

Guidestones flat section on the center stoneElberton Granite Company Seal

English guidestone with a top corner cutoutPolaris port through the cap guidestone

Closer view of the guidestones western faceWestern face of the guidestones

Translation stone tablet contains information about the guidestonesCloseup of the East-West guidestone center drilled view port

Closeup of the South to North guide stone viewportEastern face of the top cap guide stone

Eastern face of the GuidestonesNorth eastern angle view of the guide stones

North eastern classic guidestones photo with the landscape