Preface to Ancient Earth Mysteries

Throughout the world we find countless treasures, artifacts, and structures which were once the everyday pride of our ancient ancestors. Time has buried many objects along with secrets and it's believed modern archeology hasn't even scratched the surface of lost knowledge estimated to exist.

Science managed to uncover enough of the secrets so far, but the taste only creates an aching thirst to find out more. Due to large gaps of missing artifacts, scientific links and incomplete historical accounts, the process to rediscover our human past is much like digging through a very long and dark rabbit hole. How far does it go? Is there a light in sight, at all?

In one respect, it’s easy to get wrapped up and overwhelmed by the amount of information available at our finger tips in the modern age. There are countless opinions, interpretations, and facts to digest and make sense of – in order to understand the complex existence of mankind.

Flooded temple entrance

Any significant amount of research tends to open the door to more questions than the findings have answered. One principal reigns above the rest however, that mankind’s pursuit of truth is tireless and thorough by review and communication. The answer to a profound question may lack dynamic needed for explaining why the question was asked in the first place.

An example of a question like this might be, asking why we wanted to visit the moon. Why, has been answered as, because we can, or to be the first to set foot on a foreign rock in space, but what is the true driving force behind mankind wanting to visit the moon?

If the urge to travel nearly two-hundred and forty thousand miles through space to an asteroid-shielding planetary body orbiting the Earth, was so strong to build the technology and orchestrate the missions, maybe the true reason is beyond having capability to achieve it. Perhaps there is a deeply rooted directive in our subconscious that pulls us in the direction of space.

While travelling through space is an interest of many, could it be possible we are willing to risk our lives for space exploration, because somewhere in our genetic make-up, we are destined to return to the depths of space? It’s easy to get hung up on answering a question and lose sight of why it was asked in the first place.

One critical answer, to such a question, has eluded mankind since the dawn of existence. One definitive answer satisfying all pent-up curiosities thousands and thousands of years in the making. Solving this question is the next most amazing concept since the discovery of fire, maybe even providing more for the prosperity of humanity than fire did for our survival.

The question is, what does it all mean? With iterations such as, who are we, really and why are we here? Followed by further questioning like, why is life the way it is when we can imagine other ways? Where do people come from? Are we alone in the universe? Questions which bombard our minds and force us into a different way of thinking. Some are comfortable confronting these questions head-on, while others prefer to keep their distance.

These questions have motivated people as far back as historical records tell us, and most likely extend well before written words, all the way back to the dawn of first existence. It makes sense that many questions similar to these were asked often enough, philosophized and communicated through the ages if they existed in first recorded history.

A significant example of this is the very first known Egyptian Hieroglyph which depicts a wine press. Surely the Egyptians practiced and perfected the art of making wine for a much longer period of time than historical record indicates; that is, the Egyptians brewed wine for an unknown amount of time before it was documented in a stone carving.

Similarly, pretend for an instance to be one half of the first pair of humans to exist on Earth; whether it’s in the biblical creation, or as a pair of creatures first evolved from a missing link. It would be strange to feel alone beyond having a mate, to be the only pair to exist when plenty of animals have multiples of their kind.

Undoubtedly, in whatever thought process or language, it would be prudent to ask why we are here. In a way, the first experience of consciousness for people is very similar to flipping on a switch. A flood of new information overloads our brains as though we were injected into the world instead of born and raised. The first conscious experience is filled with questions that seem impossible, but in time we find knowledge to help us understand.

Maybe the reason why we continue to ask those same primitive questions, from the days of first consciousness, is because our brains are not fully awakened as intelligent beings. Maybe we ask those questions to further develop intelligence and drive our consciousness to a level on par with the universe and all of its knowledge.

Another possibility for why the questions plague consciousness could be more profound than roots in scientific or religious reasons. What if the questions are remnants? A subtle thread designed for us to pull on, for restoring memory over time, to show us another way in which mankind existed. What if asking those questions eventually tells us many of our ancestors came to Earth together, to rebuild life on another planet in the universe?

Information found in this book is based on tangible evidence of existing places and artifacts obtained from years of research with over two decades of learning about ancient knowledge. Certain ideas may be considered by some readers as highly controversial and deeply speculated topics from rudimentary perspectives. The goal of this concept is to provide a guidebook with ample opportunity for deciphering meaning in both introspective and broad realms.

Attempting to discover a single answer to why humans exist is not an easy task considering the insurmountable number of variables. As much as mankind has learned over the past thousands of years, it is still believed by some that life on Earth remains in a period of infancy. Plus, part of being human at the core is that while many people share common goals, we all have unique perspectives on life and its origins. There is a profound magic about how everyone interprets reality and how that understanding shapes our lives.

In the past, our ancient ancestors lived in tight-knit social communities where everyday activities were contingent on social interactions for survival, such as hunting, gathering, cooking, and taking care of people. We know life before modern technology; food and spirituality were primary focal points for everyday life according to mainstream sciences. Social interactions are still very important to today’s survival, but one could argue the emphasis on social activity has shifted from critical dependence to leisure.

Each day, dedicated researchers bring new evidence to light which manages to continuously date cultures older and older in the timeline. Every time this happens, the perspective of our past adjusts to grasp the age difference. For a while science believed the oldest civilization was only 5,000 years old, consistent with many cultural and religious beliefs at the time.

Dendera relief close-up

Then mysterious artifacts and settlements were found and new understandings about human history uncovered. The new knowledge began pushing the limits of science and testing religious beliefs by recovering evidence of civilized culture dating back 10,000 to 12,000 years. Theorists now estimate there are civilized cultures as old as 35,000 to 40,000 years based on a recent climate discovery. Evidence indicates an ancient human migration route once crossed the North American ice sheet. Meanwhile, molecular and fossil science states that modern humans originated in Africa, or possibly Europe, some 100 to 200 thousand years ago.

There is one unquestionable and easily identifiable transcendent passing between ancient civilized cultures. All over the world, our ancestors uniformly believed in something greater than their own existence. Most cultures today still exhibit the same or a very similar principal belief, and a lot of spiritual understanding of existence has passed generation to generation.

Changes in technology tend to put beliefs to the test, essentially forcing an adjustment in personal values and perspective, but acceptance of its capabilities has allowed it to flourish the world over. Though beneficial for many, the growth of technology is not without consequence.

Reoccurring fears of an apocalypse or doomsday event have cycled throughout the ages, and perhaps even more now with accumulated knowledge at our finger tips. Our ability to find and digest information is growing exponentially by the day. In the evolution of understanding there are clairvoyant tendencies.

Olmec Eye of Creation and the Snake

Yet, prophecy is not a modern practice. The reality of modern technology and its rate of acceleration may be the top contributing factors to post-apocalyptic theories becoming more wide-spread. Couple technology with the vast amount of information we've learned about our past, and as a species we are progressing toward a non-existing reality to our past selves.

Modern technology is impressive and the leaps mankind made in the last two hundred years is a monumental testament to our deep-rooted perseverance. By in part, new technology can also be blinding in the way we perceive our past. It's easy to look at modern technology and simply say the past is primitive by comparison. However, research and new scientific discoveries are steadily changing this stereotype.

The picture is slowly revealing itself and proving our ancestors were not nearly as primitive as once thought. In fact, so much evidence has been uncovered about our ancestors that we are starting to view them as different people when compared to beliefs couple hundred years ago. In certain cases, the change is so drastic that some modern theorists envision the only explanation as a result from an outside influence, or possibly physical help from other worldly beings.

We have only scratched the surface of an unfathomable time-line. Science can theoretically trace particle existence to a time long ago when matter was concentrated to a very small, dense point in the sky. Given the scope and size of the Universe according to physics, it seems selfish to think Earth bares the only living byproducts of such a grand scale birth of existence. Finite odds tell us mathematically there is no conceivable way only one living planet would result from an infinite number of possibilities.

The universe is so large, that even if a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of planets had life on them, there would still be multiple billions of planets with life. Imagine looking up at the night sky from the North Pole and attempting to count every single star visible and saying only one of them has life on it. The challenge is akin to trying to identify how many granules of sand there are floating around the world’s oceans at any given time and claiming only one granule of all of those possibly could contain a gastrotrich.

Although we have not yet discovered other life in the Universe, or how to physically traverse its infinite reaches quickly and safely, that doesn't mean either are not attainable. Maybe mankind’s pursuit of knowledge ultimately leads us on a path to understand and do both, but it is likely science may not be able to take us there on its own.

Spirituality and cultural religious beliefs share common elements with theoretical sciences in the pursuit of truth. Both science and religion acknowledge the existence of something greater than mankind at a fundamental level. Exactly what the something is differs by perspective and an understanding of what existence is. The perspective becomes very similar for science and religion when intriguing and complex archaeological sites found around the world paint new pictures of our ancestors. An image is created no longer of primitive cultural mindsets, but one of increasing fascination of the heavens and stars above.

Many ancient structures have astrological translations and concepts with deep cosmological and spiritual influences. These structures were commonly built at a time when the night sky was darker according to carbon dating and scientific evidence. Civilization emitted far less light into the atmosphere thousands of years ago and current accepted scientific studies claim electricity was not harnessed or used in any form during the time.

Modern theories state our ancestors were forced to navigate by the stars and sun alone. Old farmer's almanac woodcuts and structures were aligned by the night sky to mark solstices for optimal times for planting and harvest. Prominent celestial events such as meteors, comets, eclipses, and anomalies were recorded. These events became additional markers for significant spiritual points of contact in translation of the natural world.

Mankind has an insatiable appetite for knowledge especially when it involves finding out where we came from and who it is we really are. It is not unreasonable by any means for humanity to ensure anything we know about our past is as accurate as possible, but it is the recordings of our ancestors and the monuments they’ve left which inspires us to discover our origins.

As a guide to our ancient past it is the intention of this work to provide a collective of research toned to a neutrally balanced point. We trust this knowledge will be utilized for greater purpose and further emphasize the importance of mankind’s self-discovery through reflections of the past.