Left abandoned in 700 CE, Teotihuacan translates to the City of the Gods, or When Men Become Gods in Nahuatl. Exactly who built the ancient city and pyramids nearly 1,000 years before the Aztec arrived is a mystery. Construction design features a mixture of elements from Maya, Zapotec, and Mixtec cultures along with possible influence from earlier Toltec and Totonac people. The city's layout is a precise scale model of our Solar System including Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus as discovered by Hugh Harleston Jr. Those three planets were not rediscovered by telescopes until the late 18th century, displaying a remarkable intuition about the cosmos.
Gigantic highly polished mirrors located under the Sun Pyramid were found in the center area accessible from a natural cave. According to theorists, these giant mirrors could have been used to direct sunlight inside; a possibility of why the structure attained the name of Sun Pyramid.
Large sheets of mica up to ninety feet long were found below a stone slab floor and appeared to be functional instead of a decoration element inside of the Sun Pyramid. The way in which the mica sheets were installed leads researchers to believe this was done intentionally and with purpose. Researchers traced both Teotihuacan and Olmec mica to originate from over 2,000 miles away in Brazil, presenting further mysteries such as transportation of the sheets. What did the Aztecs or previous cultures really know about mica properties and what was the reason for going to such lengths to have it built inside in the pyramid?
Mica has many industrial uses today, from joint compounds to electrical insulators, and the exact purpose of it being under a stone floor of a pyramid is an excellent question. While a great insulator, mica is also a thermal conductor. Is it possible the giant slabs of Mica were installed in the floor to reduce high heat build-up from the mirrors below? Or perhaps, were the mirrors directed at the mica somehow to light up its reflective surface for a desired effect?
Sky Dancing
Light from the Sun to Earth follows a path into the Sun Pyramid like birds descending from the heavens, perhaps even dancing its way into the mirrored room and then interacting somehow with the mica sheets. However, popular belief does suggest pole flying originated as an attempt to please the gods to end drought. There are several variations, and each one is effective at creating death-defying, peaceful slow falls from the heavens, mesmerizing anyone who has the privilege to a show.